Businesses on Blake Street in Downtown Denver Cited for Illegal Signs

Jake Linzinmeir knew that the flag hanging outside Jovanina's Broken Italian hadn’t been approved by the city, but the notice he received this summer from Denver Community Planning & Development still surprised him: According to the department, not only was the flag improper, but the window signs okayed before he opened his restaurant six years ago were also out of compliance. Jovanina’s signs were cited in June and again in August…

Businesses on Blake Street in Downtown Denver Cited for Illegal Signs
Jake Linzinmeir knew that the flag hanging outside Jovanina's Broken Italian hadn’t been approved by the city, but the notice he received this summer from Denver Community Planning & Development still surprised him: According to the department, not only was the flag improper, but the window signs okayed before he opened his restaurant six years ago were also out of compliance. Jovanina’s signs were cited in June and again in August…