C. diff uses toxic compound to fuel growth advantage

The pathogen C. diff -- the most common cause of health care-associated infectious diarrhea -- can use a compound that kills the human gut's resident microbes to survive and grow, giving it a competitive advantage in the infected gut. A team has discovered how C. diff (Clostridioides difficile) converts the poisonous compound 4-thiouracil, which could come from foods like broccoli, into a usable nutrient. Their findings increase understanding of the molecular drivers of C. diff infection and point to novel therapeutic strategies.

C. diff uses toxic compound to fuel growth advantage
The pathogen C. diff -- the most common cause of health care-associated infectious diarrhea -- can use a compound that kills the human gut's resident microbes to survive and grow, giving it a competitive advantage in the infected gut. A team has discovered how C. diff (Clostridioides difficile) converts the poisonous compound 4-thiouracil, which could come from foods like broccoli, into a usable nutrient. Their findings increase understanding of the molecular drivers of C. diff infection and point to novel therapeutic strategies.