Colorado Should Take Its Shot at Winning Sundance Film Festival

You don’t have to be a filmmaker to realize that capturing this pivotal moment and historic opportunity is perhaps a once-in-a-lifetime chance, and then the shot is gone. As the iconic song from the musical Hamilton’s lyrics to “My Shot” are playing in my mind — “I’m not throwin’ away my shot...” — I hope that Colorado doesn’t throw away its shot to elevate our state's artistic landscape and ignite our economy for many years to come by becoming the new home of the globally iconic Sundance Film Festival…

Colorado Should Take Its Shot at Winning Sundance Film Festival
You don’t have to be a filmmaker to realize that capturing this pivotal moment and historic opportunity is perhaps a once-in-a-lifetime chance, and then the shot is gone. As the iconic song from the musical Hamilton’s lyrics to “My Shot” are playing in my mind — “I’m not throwin’ away my shot...” — I hope that Colorado doesn’t throw away its shot to elevate our state's artistic landscape and ignite our economy for many years to come by becoming the new home of the globally iconic Sundance Film Festival…