Daily horoscope for Dec. 15, 2024

Get your daily horoscope for December 15, 2024 from astrologer Georgia Nicols.

Daily horoscope for Dec. 15, 2024

Moon Alert: Avoid shopping or important decisions from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. EST today (6 a.m. to 12 noon PST). After that, the Moon moves from Gemini into Cancer. The Full Moon in Gemini peaks at 4:02 a.m. EST (1:02 a.m. PST).

Happy Birthday for Sunday, Dec. 15, 2024:

You are easygoing and witty. You’re also curious and impulsive. You can be competitive, certainly proactive. This year you can seize opportunities and attain power and leadership. You can get recognition for your past efforts. Expect a promotion, a raise, kudos, awards or some acknowledgement. Bravo!


(March 21-April 19)
Pay attention to everything you say and do, because this is an accident-prone day for you. Keep your eyes open. Meanwhile, discussions about legal matters, travel and medicine might suddenly get the green light. It’s all systems go! Tonight: Cocoon. This Week: Networking, friendships and romance.


(April 20-May 20)
You might feel pulled between the desire to put your own interests first versus the desire to deal with shared property and how you relate to the resources of others. Whatever happens, you will see a new way to go forward. Tonight: Discussions. This Week: You impress others. (Money rewards?)


(May 21-June 20)
Today the Full Moon is in your sign. Discussions with others could be heated. Fortunately, issues from the past are resolved. For some, an ex-partner is gone. (Was that a sigh of relief?) Tonight: Check your belongings. This Week: Travel, exploration and romance!


(June 21-July 22)
Issues related to your health, a pet or your job might come to a head today. Fortunately, the silly errors and mixed-up communications at work will reduce because today Mercury retrograde is over. Tonight: You’re strong. This Week: Financial benefits. Sweet affection.


(July 23-Aug. 22)
Today you’re strong and pro-active. This means you need to be tactful and charming, because lots of Full Moon energy is flying around. You might end up at odds with your kids or a romantic partner. Tonight: Solitude. This Week: Relationships deepen sweet connections.


(Aug. 23-Sept. 22)
Today you might be challenged by the interests of home and family versus the interests of your career and public reputation. Fortunately, issues related to old bosses, parents and authority figures from your past are now settled. “And just like that …” Tonight: Friends. This Week: Work related travel and romance!


(Sept. 23-Oct. 22)
Be careful, because this could be an accident-prone day for you. Therefore, think before you speak or act. Travel delays will be reduced, which will be happy news. Meanwhile, this is a great day to schmooze! Tonight: Be modest. This Week: True love. Dazzling new encounters!


(Oct. 23-Nov. 21)
Today’s Full Moon might create tension between your financial interests and the financial interests of others. Either way, delays and mistakes that have plagued your finances, cash flow and shopping will fade. Yay! Tonight: Learn. This Week: Redecorating, entertaining, warm affection.


(Nov. 22-Dec. 21)
Today the Full Moon is opposite your sign, which will create some tension between you and others, especially partners and close friends. However, the upside is that Mercury has been retrograde in your sign, and today it’s over! Now, more confidence! Tonight: Check your finances. This Week: New relationships are exciting. Good cheer!


(Dec. 22-Jan. 19)
The Full Moon energy today might create health problems or issues related to your job or your pet. Nevertheless, as of today, Mercury retrograde is over, which will make you feel calmer and more confident. That niggling feeling is gone. Tonight: Cooperate. This Week: Financial opportunities. Generosity all around.


(Jan. 20-Feb. 18)
Because of the Full Moon today, it’s hard to know who to put first — friends and groups versus your kids and romantic partners. Perhaps this is the perfect time to say goodbye to an old friend who has reappeared. Things return to normal. Tonight: Work. This Week: Volunteering, networking, friendships and romance.


(Feb. 19-March 20)
Today you feel pulled between the demands of home and family versus the demands of your career and your public reputation. Recently, you dealt with old bosses and parents who came back into your world. As of today, this energy is fading. Tonight: Socialize. This Week: Gentle caring. Secret romance.


Actress Michelle Dockery (1981), actor Don Johnson (1949), actor Charlie Cox (1982)