Dating in Denver: Picking Apart the Myth of Picky Colorado Women

I love your outlet for its ethos of “report what we hear,” especially because a lot of topics covered by Westword are about culture/social trends, a largely subjective subject that you attempt to report from an objective point. But "Colorado's Single Women Rank Among Pickiest in Nation," in an attempt to show both sides, came off as very biased, and read as seeking confirmation bias…

Dating in Denver: Picking Apart the Myth of Picky Colorado Women
I love your outlet for its ethos of “report what we hear,” especially because a lot of topics covered by Westword are about culture/social trends, a largely subjective subject that you attempt to report from an objective point. But "Colorado's Single Women Rank Among Pickiest in Nation," in an attempt to show both sides, came off as very biased, and read as seeking confirmation bias…