Denver ABC Affiliate Has Puppy, Kitty Breaks From Ugly Political Ads

The screen went black during a Good Morning America commercial break five days before the November election, then warned of the content of the advertisement coming up —  "the ABC television network is required to carry it by federal law,” the text read, adding that the ad “contains scenes that may be disturbing to children.”  And how: What followed were pictures of aborted fetuses, comparisons of some media figures to Hitler and other stomach-churning sights…

Denver ABC Affiliate Has Puppy, Kitty Breaks From Ugly Political Ads
The screen went black during a Good Morning America commercial break five days before the November election, then warned of the content of the advertisement coming up —  "the ABC television network is required to carry it by federal law,” the text read, adding that the ad “contains scenes that may be disturbing to children.”  And how: What followed were pictures of aborted fetuses, comparisons of some media figures to Hitler and other stomach-churning sights…