Denver Outdoor Gear Shop in Visa Commercial with Peyton Manning

If you tuned into the College Football Playoff National Championship earlier this year, you might have seen Feral, the Best of Denver award-winning outdoor gear supply shop at 3936 Tennyson Street, as the backdrop of a Visa commercial starring Peyton Manning. In the commercial, a smiling Manning walks up to the counter inside Feral armed with a green vest, a pair of hiking boots, a book titled Ruffle Some Feathers: How to Win in Competitive Birdwatching, binoculars and a crisp U.S. Bank Visa Card…

Denver Outdoor Gear Shop in Visa Commercial with Peyton Manning
If you tuned into the College Football Playoff National Championship earlier this year, you might have seen Feral, the Best of Denver award-winning outdoor gear supply shop at 3936 Tennyson Street, as the backdrop of a Visa commercial starring Peyton Manning. In the commercial, a smiling Manning walks up to the counter inside Feral armed with a green vest, a pair of hiking boots, a book titled Ruffle Some Feathers: How to Win in Competitive Birdwatching, binoculars and a crisp U.S. Bank Visa Card…