Downtown Denver: 6 Ways to Bring It Back, From Markets to Disney Walks

For last week's cover story, "A Broken Heart," I suggested ten things Mayor Michael Johnston could do, now, to help bring downtown back from COVID, construction projects, crime and a general bad rap. That list inspired a flood of responses (read some of them in the new issue coming out today), including the following from a longtime denizen of Denver who requested anonymity because, well, he lives here and loves it, despite the missed opportunities…

Downtown Denver: 6 Ways to Bring It Back, From Markets to Disney Walks
For last week's cover story, "A Broken Heart," I suggested ten things Mayor Michael Johnston could do, now, to help bring downtown back from COVID, construction projects, crime and a general bad rap. That list inspired a flood of responses (read some of them in the new issue coming out today), including the following from a longtime denizen of Denver who requested anonymity because, well, he lives here and loves it, despite the missed opportunities…