Fire Weather Watch issued March 11 at 8:05PM MDT until March 13 at 9:00PM MDT by NWS Goodland KS
Fire Weather Watch issued March 11 at 8:05PM MDT until March 13 at 9:00PM MDT by NWS Goodland KS
...Widespread Critical Fire Weather Conditions Forecast...
.Southerly winds gusting up to 45 mph are forecast through the
afternoon hours Thursday. The winds along with warm temperatures
in the mid 70s and humidity values falling into the teens will
result in very high to extreme grassland fire danger which may
lead to rapidly spreading and difficult to control fires.
* AFFECTED AREA...Fire Weather Zones 001 Cheyenne, 002 Rawlins,
003 Decatur, 004 Norton, 013 Sherman, 014 Thomas, 015
Sheridan, 016 Graham, 027 Wallace, 028 Logan, 029 Gove, 041
Greeley, 042 Wichita, 079 Dundy, 080 Hitchcock, 081 Red
Willow, 252 Yuma, 253 Kit Carson and 254 Cheyenne.
* TIMING...From Thursday morning through Thursday evening.
* WINDS...South 20 to 30 mph with gusts up to 45 mph.
* RELATIVE HUMIDITY...Around 12 percent.
* IMPACTS...Any fires that develop will likely spread rapidly.
Outdoor burning is not recommended.
...Widespread Critical Fire Weather Conditions Forecast...
.Southerly winds gusting up to 45 mph are forecast through the
afternoon hours Thursday. The winds along with warm temperatures
in the mid 70s and humidity values falling into the teens will
result in very high to extreme grassland fire danger which may
lead to rapidly spreading and difficult to control fires.
* AFFECTED AREA...Fire Weather Zones 001 Cheyenne, 002 Rawlins,
003 Decatur, 004 Norton, 013 Sherman, 014 Thomas, 015
Sheridan, 016 Graham, 027 Wallace, 028 Logan, 029 Gove, 041
Greeley, 042 Wichita, 079 Dundy, 080 Hitchcock, 081 Red
Willow, 252 Yuma, 253 Kit Carson and 254 Cheyenne.
* TIMING...From Thursday morning through Thursday evening.
* WINDS...South 20 to 30 mph with gusts up to 45 mph.
* RELATIVE HUMIDITY...Around 12 percent.
* IMPACTS...Any fires that develop will likely spread rapidly.
Outdoor burning is not recommended.
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