Historic Designation Filing Aims to Save Zuni Steam Plant in Denver

With the help of nonprofit Historic Denver, residents in the neighborhoods of Sun Valley and La Alma Lincoln Park have filed a landmark application with the city in an attempt to prevent the Zuni Power Plant from being destroyed. Built in 1901, the structure has served various roles in fulfilling Denver's energy needs over the years; recently, though, it has been the center of a debate between nearby residents and Xcel Energy, which owns the building…

Historic Designation Filing Aims to Save Zuni Steam Plant in Denver
With the help of nonprofit Historic Denver, residents in the neighborhoods of Sun Valley and La Alma Lincoln Park have filed a landmark application with the city in an attempt to prevent the Zuni Power Plant from being destroyed. Built in 1901, the structure has served various roles in fulfilling Denver's energy needs over the years; recently, though, it has been the center of a debate between nearby residents and Xcel Energy, which owns the building…