No s’mores without fire: marshmallow toasting may have lit Long Island blazes

Resident made marshmallow treats outside around when New York fires ignited, prompting closures and evacuationsAuthorities suspect the wildfires that broke out over the weekend in New York’s Long Island were ignited by a local resident toasting the marshmallow, chocolate and graham cracker treats known as s’mores.According to what Suffolk county police commissioner Kevin Catalina said on Monday, investigators’ “operating theory” is that the fires were sparked by a resident making s’mores over a fire in a backyard, in the hamlet of Manorville. The person used cardboard to light up the fire on Saturday, which he was having trouble starting because of strong winds. Continue reading...

No s’mores without fire: marshmallow toasting may have lit Long Island blazes

Resident made marshmallow treats outside around when New York fires ignited, prompting closures and evacuations

Authorities suspect the wildfires that broke out over the weekend in New York’s Long Island were ignited by a local resident toasting the marshmallow, chocolate and graham cracker treats known as s’mores.

According to what Suffolk county police commissioner Kevin Catalina said on Monday, investigators’ “operating theory” is that the fires were sparked by a resident making s’mores over a fire in a backyard, in the hamlet of Manorville. The person used cardboard to light up the fire on Saturday, which he was having trouble starting because of strong winds. Continue reading...