Touring Talbott Farms, Colorado Peach and Wine Grape Producer

Before there was the Palisade Peach Festival, residents of this Western Slope town gathered for Iowa Day, a celebration of community members who had recently relocated from that Midwest state. Many early settlers were Iowa farmers who received promotional brochures mailed from Mesa County, which claimed it had unlimited water from the Colorado River, unlimited coal at a dollar a ton, and a more dependable climate for growing fruit than the San Joaquin Valley of California…

Touring Talbott Farms, Colorado Peach and Wine Grape Producer
Before there was the Palisade Peach Festival, residents of this Western Slope town gathered for Iowa Day, a celebration of community members who had recently relocated from that Midwest state. Many early settlers were Iowa farmers who received promotional brochures mailed from Mesa County, which claimed it had unlimited water from the Colorado River, unlimited coal at a dollar a ton, and a more dependable climate for growing fruit than the San Joaquin Valley of California…